Root Canal Treatment – Benefits, Risks and Procedure

A root canal in Edmonton is a routine dental treatment designed to deal with the infection that has penetrated deep into the core of the tooth. Usually, the accumulation of bacteria in our mouth is the cause of oral diseases. Bacteria buildup can be a natural occurrence or through the foods that we consume. Additionally, accidental damage, broken fillings, and tooth decay may also be the culprit of infections.

A Comprehensive Guide on Root Canal Treatment Near You

While root canal therapy offers a range of benefits, not a lot of people will consider going through this process due to the common misconception that it is scary and painful. With the advancements in the field of dentistry combined with sedation dentistry, you can guarantee that the procedure will be straightforward and painless.

The Important Benefits of Root Canal Therapy

A professional dentist near you should immediately conduct root canal treatment since it is the only method that is effective in eliminating the infection without extracting your tooth. The main benefits of this procedure are as follows.

It Eases the Symptoms of Infection- People who are suffering from a root canal infection will experience chewing and eating difficulty, swelling of the infected area, foul taste and smell in their mouth, tenderness, mild or severe tooth pain, and fever. By dealing with the root cause of the issue, there will be a noticeable improvement in your condition.

Enhanced Appearance- The infected tooth will differ in terms of its appearance from a healthy tooth. The presence of decay will eventually lead to discoloration, cracks, and fractures. By asking the dental clinic in Edmonton to perform root canal treatment, they can place a crown that can significantly improve the appearance of your smile. The dentist will make sure that the crown resembles the natural color and appearance of the rest of your teeth.

Avoid Tooth Extraction- If you ignore the problem, you can be at risk of losing your tooth. Eventually, the tooth can fall out, or the dentist will extract it. The root canal in Edmonton prevents this from happening. It helps you avoid the possibility of undergoing a more invasive treatment. If you have trauma or phobia of visiting your dentist, you should ask your dentist about sedation dentistry near you. 

What Are the Related Risks?

While this is considered a completely safe procedure, there are still possible risks and complications that a patient must know.

Pain- Since the dentist will apply anesthesia, you should not feel any amount of pain during the procedure. However, once the effect of the medicine subsides, you should feel some discomfort. You should ask your dentist to prescribe you a medication that will manage the pain. If the pain persists, you should consult your dentist.

Fissures in the Roots- The dentist near you will check your teeth thoroughly to make sure that all cracks will be detected. Even hairline cracks can be a breeding ground of bacteria that may lead to infection.

What to Expect During the Treatment?

The dentist will conduct root canal treatment in the dental clinic in Edmonton. During the date of the appointment, the technician should guide you towards the treatment room. He or she will prepare you for the treatment by placing a bib on your neck and make sure that you will feel comfortable in the dentist’s chair. The dentist will then apply a numbing medication on the gum of the affected site. Once done, the dentist near you will drill a tiny hole and drain the infected pulp. 

After the removal of the infected pulp, the dentist will then coat the area with an antibiotic to avoid reinfection. The dentist will apply sealer paste, or gutta-percha to seal the hole. You must also return to the dental clinic in Edmonton for a follow-up checkup.
